Welcome to CCA iGEM

(Anjali's test page)
iGEM logo gif

Canyon Crest Academy, a public high school in San Diego, is participating in the 2017 iGEM (international Genetically Engineered Machine) competition.

Our Project

We are working on ....


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Week 1

We organized and determined the topic of...

Creating the ...

  1. Step number 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3



We would like to thank ...


Qualcomm logo


We worked in a lab at our school, and we followed protocol for proper disposal of chemicals ...

Meet our team...

Person A

This is random filler text to check whether the paragraph will wrap the text within the width specified. More random text to take up many lines bafaljf;afjkl;afl. I am using html to make the iGEM website and it is ten thirty six pm right now on monday april seventeenth twenty seventeen marshmallow.

Person b

This is random filler text to check whether the paragraph will wrap the text within the width specified. More random text to take up many lines bafaljf;afjkl;afl. I am using html to make the iGEM website and it is ten thirty six pm right now on monday april seventeenth twenty seventeen marshmallow.

Person c

This is random filler text to check whether the paragraph will wrap the text within the width specified. More random text to take up many lines bafaljf;afjkl;afl. I am using html to make the iGEM website and it is ten thirty six pm right now on monday april seventeenth twenty seventeen marshmallow.

Contact Us

contact info for cca igem coordinators, ...